M4ALL Scans - Naruto, One Piece, Bleach, Fairy Tail Manga, Spoilers, Predictions
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ONE PIECE 583 (Spoiler - Predictions)

Ero Shanks
Ero F. Pein
Ero F. Rodrigo
7 participantes

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ONE PIECE 583 (Spoiler - Predictions) Empty ONE PIECE 583 (Spoiler - Predictions)

Mensagem por Ero F. Rodrigo Qua Abr 21, 2010 11:48 am

Este tópico é única e exclusivamente para SPOILERS-PREDICTIONS. Comentários sobre o capítulo em questão, deverão ser comentados no tópico correspondente para discussão. Lembre-se de informar a procedência do Spoiler e se o mesmo está confirmado ou não. Se possível poste o spoiler ou prediction em português. ============================================================================
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Depois que o capítulo sair, abriremos o tópico do capítulo seguinte, e este será liberado para postagens que normalmente acontece na Sexta.

Ero F. Rodrigo
Ero F. Rodrigo
Fundador M4ALL
Fundador M4ALL

Masculino Mensagens : 4976
Data de inscrição : 16/12/2009
Idade : 39

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ONE PIECE 583 (Spoiler - Predictions) Empty Re: ONE PIECE 583 (Spoiler - Predictions)

Mensagem por Ero F. Pein Qua Abr 21, 2010 6:56 pm

Ero F. Pein
Ero F. Pein
Fundador M4ALL
Fundador M4ALL

Masculino Mensagens : 1651
Data de inscrição : 07/01/2010
Idade : 38
Localização : Old Harbor / RO

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ONE PIECE 583 (Spoiler - Predictions) Empty Re: ONE PIECE 583 (Spoiler - Predictions)

Mensagem por Ero Shanks Qui Abr 22, 2010 3:17 pm

Fonte: https://m4all.forumbrasil.net
Status: Predicion
Autor: Ero Shanks.

One piece 583 -Irmãos.
- Luffy tem metade do capítulo mostrando seu flashback de quando conheceu Ace(mostrando Dandan como eles foram treinados e etc).

Cena muda para o QG da marinha
Marinheiro: -Almirante Sengoku.
Sengoku: -Porque você esté tão assustado marinheiro?
Marinheiro: -Mor..Moria-Sama está morto.
Sengoku: -Mas como??? Isso não é possivel!
Marinheiro: -Ele foi cortado ao meio.
- Sengoku é mostrado com um rosto apreensivo.

Cena muda para Amazon Lily
Mostra-se um flash back da separação dos Nakamas e da morte de Ace na cabeça de Luffy.
Última cena mostra Luffy Dizendo: - Eu não pude protegê-los... eu preciso ficar mais forte!
Hancock aparece olhando para ele e diz: - Eu irei lhe ajudar com isso.
Próximo capítulo: Haoshoku no Haki
Ero Shanks
Ero Shanks
Profissional M4all
Profissional M4all

Masculino Mensagens : 573
Data de inscrição : 07/02/2010
Idade : 32

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ONE PIECE 583 (Spoiler - Predictions) Empty Re: ONE PIECE 583 (Spoiler - Predictions)

Mensagem por Ero Roronoa Sex Abr 23, 2010 11:25 pm

Fonte: https://m4all.forumbrasil.net
Autor:Ero Roronoa

Capítulo 583 - A promessa do começo e do fim.

"Cerca da metade do capitulo mostra luffy e ace, e suas disputas para ver quem era o mais forte"

Cena muda para o navio de Shanx

Ben Beckman - Capitão, essa ilha está uma caos completo, nãoo vai dar pra fazer o enterro aqui.

Shanks - É o que parece, acho que você tem razao, temos que botar ordem nesse lugar.

Ben Beckman - Capitão, se me permite nós poderemos dar um jeito aqui.

Shanks - Tudo bem, afinal o enterro de BB e Ace tem que ser aqui, na Ilha dos Tritões.

Cena muda para Amazon Lily

Guerreira - Hehebime-sama, o imediato de Luffy-kun quer falar com a senhora.

Boa Hancock - Tudo bem, traga o Den-Den-Muchi para cá.

Guerreria - Sim, Hebehime-sama

Boa Hancock - quem esta ai??

Zoro - A tripulaçao do Mugiwara.

Boa Hancock - Onde vocês estão??

Zoro - Esperando pelo nosso capitão, diga que esperaremos ele aqui o tempo que precisar!!! Em Shabondy...

"Ouve-se gritos chamando pelo nome de Luffy"

Próximo Capítulo: A hora ainda nao chegou, Luffy começa seu treinamento.


Última edição por Ero Roronoa em Dom Abr 25, 2010 9:48 pm, editado 2 vez(es)
Ero Roronoa
Ero Roronoa
Profissional M4all
Profissional M4all

Masculino Mensagens : 416
Data de inscrição : 24/03/2010
Localização : Na Frente do PC

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ONE PIECE 583 (Spoiler - Predictions) Empty Re: ONE PIECE 583 (Spoiler - Predictions)

Mensagem por Ero Dark King Sáb Abr 24, 2010 10:30 am

Fonte: https://m4all.forumbrasil.net
Status: Predction
Autor: Ero Meruem

Capitulo 583 - Treinamento Para a Realidade!

"A cena mostra uma pequena parte da infancia de Ace e Luffy!"

Luffy: por que? por que eu não consigo te derrotar?

Ace: Mesmo tendo o Poder de uma Akuma No Mi, você ainda não tem experiencia, não que eu tenha, mas mesmo assim ainda é superior a sua. Resumidamente, você esta alguns anos adiantados para me enfrentar.

Luffy: Cala a boca! - "Luffy sai correndo em direção a Ace."

"A cena muda para o presente, Luffy esta sentado juntamente com Jimbei."

Jimbei: Luffy-San, creio que você tenha que ficar alguns dias de repouso!

Luffy: Me desculpe Jimbei. Eu não tenho tempo pra perder me preocupando com saude, mesmo o Gear Third e o Gear Second são tecnicas que diminuem meu tempo de vida, pouco, mas diminuem.

Jimbei: Oque você pretende fazer?

Luffy: Treinar. Não soportaria perder mais ninguem. Estou indo falar com Hancock-Sama.

"A cena muda para o castelo da ilha Kuja"

Guerreira: Hehebime-sama Luffy esta querendo falar com você!

Hancock: Meu amado quer falar comigo! *-*

"Neste momento o Den-Den-Muchi toca."

Voz no Telefone: Hehebime-sama tem alguem querendo falar imediatamente com a senhora!

Hancock: Passe o Den-Den-Muchi logo!

???: Princesa da Piratas Kuja?

Hancock: Quem esta falando?

Monkey D. Dragon: Avise Monkey D. Luffy que Seu Pai esta aqui para ve-lo!

Proximo Capitulo: A Linhagem dos "Reis".
Ero Dark King
Ero Dark King
Icha-Icha Fan M4all
Icha-Icha Fan M4all

Masculino Mensagens : 1838
Data de inscrição : 09/03/2010
Idade : 34
Localização : Olimpia-sp


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ONE PIECE 583 (Spoiler - Predictions) Empty Re: ONE PIECE 583 (Spoiler - Predictions)

Mensagem por Ero D. Mugiwara Ter Abr 27, 2010 1:01 pm


Não haverá ONE PIECE 583, NARUTO 493 E BLEACH 402 (POIS NÃO HAVERÁ Weekly Shounen Jump) esta semana, devido ao feriado Golden Week do Japão.

Pra quem não sabe, o Feriado chamado Golden Week, também conhecido como Ogata ou Ōgata renkyū, é um termo japonês aplicada ao período que contém os seguintes feriados, 29 de abril (Dia de Showa aniversário/do Imperador Showa), 03 de maio (Dia Memorial da Constituição), 04 de maio (Dia do Verde), 05 de maio (Dia das Crianças).

Infelizmente pra nós e para todos os fãs dos mangás da Revista Shounen Jump, não teremos os mangás essa semana... Entãoooooo... Só podemos esperar...


Comentário pessoal da informção acima:

Ero D. Mugiwara entrando em estado de Abstinência mangatícia!

{Nota Menta: PU-TA QUE PA-RIU.... Só porque todos os mangás terminaram com cenas épicas! Foda!}
Ero D. Mugiwara
Ero D. Mugiwara
Diretor4all/Boss OP/Boss Scans/Bad Cop
Diretor4all/Boss OP/Boss Scans/Bad Cop

Masculino Mensagens : 5723
Data de inscrição : 16/12/2009
Idade : 43
Localização : White River/AC


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ONE PIECE 583 (Spoiler - Predictions) Empty Re: ONE PIECE 583 (Spoiler - Predictions)

Mensagem por Ero Tuga Sáb maio 01, 2010 5:06 pm

Fonte : 2CH
Verificação: Confirmado

Capitulo583: Final Destination for the Uncertain

Dadan tells Luffy she'll give him food and water, but if he wants meat he's gonna have to get it himself.
She also makes Luffy do errands in the house

Ace is off to somewhere
Luffy goes after luffy, abandoning his errands
Ace comes back to the house first
Luffy comes back to the house a week later, all beat up

But Luffy goes after Ace every day month after month.
After three month or so, he arrives at the Gray Terminal, where there's heaps of trash.

Sabo is sitting on top of the tree nearby
Ace calls Sabo up
Ace and Sabo are doing crooked things to save up hidden savings for piracy
Luffy arrives and tells them he's gonna be a pirate too
Luffy now knows Sabo and Ace's secret
Ace and Sabo ties Luffy to a tree and tries to kill him, but can't (they've never killed anyone yet)

A large man who Ace stole the money from appears, and is looking for Ace
Luffy is caught by the man, and asks for help

The large man asks Luffy if he knows Ace, and he answers yes
He then asks where the money is, but Luffy tells him he doens't know (Luffy is terrible at lying)

The man tells Luffy well then, I'll make you remember, and takes him away

Will Ace & Sabo save Luffy or not?


ONE PIECE 583 (Spoiler - Predictions) C1f63778720690
ONE PIECE 583 (Spoiler - Predictions) 78b99c78720730
ONE PIECE 583 (Spoiler - Predictions) 434df178720784
ONE PIECE 583 (Spoiler - Predictions) 567c1d78723022
Ero Tuga
Ero Tuga
Profissional M4all
Profissional M4all

Masculino Mensagens : 560
Data de inscrição : 11/01/2010
Idade : 33
Localização : Portugal

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ONE PIECE 583 (Spoiler - Predictions) Empty Re: ONE PIECE 583 (Spoiler - Predictions)

Mensagem por Ero Roronoa Sáb maio 01, 2010 6:11 pm

Taduçao spoiler a cima

Fonte : 2CH
Verificação: Confirmado

Capitulo583: Premonição para o incerto

Dadan Luffy diz que ela vai dar-lhe comida e água, mas se ele quer a carne que ele vai ter que se ele próprio.
Ela também faz Luffy fazer compras na casa

Ace está fora de lugar
Luffy vai atrás de luffy, abandonando seus recados
Ace volta à primeira casa
Luffy volta para a casa uma semana mais tarde, todos os espancaram

Mas Luffy vai atrás Ace mês após mês, todos os dias.
Depois de três meses ou assim, ele chega ao Terminal Gray, onde há montes de lixo.

Sabo está sentado no topo da árvore próxima
Ace chama Sabo até
Ace e Sabo estão fazendo as coisas tortas para salvar as suas economias escondidas por pirataria
Luffy chega e diz que ele vai ser um pirata também
Luffy já sabe Sabo e Ace's Secret
Ace e Luffy laços Sabo a uma árvore e tenta matá-lo, mas não pode (nunca matei ninguém até o momento)

Um homem grande que Ace roubou o dinheiro aparece, e está procurando por Ace
Luffy é capturado pelo homem, e pede ajuda

O homem grande Luffy pergunta se ele sabe Ace, e ele responde que sim
Ele então pergunta onde está o dinheiro, mas Luffy diz que ele sabe doens't (Luffy é terrível para mentir)

O homem diz Luffy bem, então eu vou fazer você lembrar, e leva-lo embora

Será que Ace e Luffy Sabo salvar ou não?

Ero Roronoa
Ero Roronoa
Profissional M4all
Profissional M4all

Masculino Mensagens : 416
Data de inscrição : 24/03/2010
Localização : Na Frente do PC

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ONE PIECE 583 (Spoiler - Predictions) Empty Re: ONE PIECE 583 (Spoiler - Predictions)

Mensagem por Ero Tuga Dom maio 02, 2010 5:46 am

Verificação: Confirmado

Chapter 583: Final Destination of Uncertainty (The Gray Terminal)
Cover is Hogback and Absalom looking for a mate

Luffy: I HATE mountain bandits!!
Dadan: shuddup damn brat, we're already upset we have to deal with the likes of you.
If you don't wanna stay here, feel free to go out there and starve yourself to death!!
bandit: calm down, boss

Luffy looks at Ace eating heaps of meat with hunger
Luffy: There's not enough food, I want to eat that meat too!!
Dadan: All these meat are from wild bull Ace hunted!! He gives us our share, and that's how it's on our plates. Mountain Bandits aren't doing too well these days
We're gonna work you to death from tomorrow!! We'll have you clean, wash clothes, shine our shoes, and shine our weapons! As well as robbing, stealing, conning, and murdering people!
And never rat on Garp on what you're forced to do here!!
Dadan scolds Luffy while eating the meat

A rice bowl and a cup is shown
Dadan: one bowl of rice, and one cup of water! That's all we'll gurantee you...
the rest, you have to get yourself!! And grow up on your own!
Luffy: Alright
Dadan: Oh you're alright with this!? This is where you're supposed to cry!!
Luffy: I've been thrown into the jungle by my grampa before.
I can eat worms, frogs, snakes, and mushrooms all I want in the forest
If I'm gonna become a pirate one day, I have to be able to do at least that by myself!

Ace walks out of the room
Luffy: Where is he going?
Dadan: No, where are YOU going!! ...did you just say pirates!?

Luffy walks out of the room, after Ace
Dadan: Look at him!! He's too tough for a little boy... that's why I hate having to look after Garp's grandkids!!!
Bandit: calm down, boss

Ace notices Luffy following him
Ace: ......
Luffy: Hey!! My name is Luffy!! I'm not mad at you for spitting on me anymore!!
Ace: .....

Flashback to Shanks in the bar
Luffy: Why are you laughing!! It's so uncool!
Shanks: All he did was pour beer on me. It's nothing to get riled up about, you know?

Back to the forest
Luffy: It's nothing to get mad about!! Hey, let's be friends!! Where are you going!?
Ace: ......
Ace without saying a word, kicks down a massive tree towards Luffy
Luffy sees the tree and panics
Luffy: huh? WAAAAAAAAA!!!!
Luffy is flattened by the tree
Ace looks at the disaster without a care in the world

Ace is crossing a bridge, and Luffy catches up to him, and Ace notices him
Luffy: *pant pant*
Ace: !?

Ace walks up to Luffy, and strikes him with a stick
Luffy: Gyaa!!
Luffy is knocked off the bridge, and falls into the canyon below
Luffy: AAAAAaaaaaaaa.........

Scene changes to night time
A bandit with a turban asks Ace
Turban: Ace... you came back alone?
Ace: .........
Turban: Where's Luffy!? Weren't you together?
Ace: who knows

Turban: Hey boss!! He's gone missing from day one!! This is not good!!!
Dadan: Who gives a damn!! If he dies, he dies, we can't do anything about it!
Dadan responds while gulping down beer

Dadan: First of all, we're already given up on looking after Ace!!
I don't care where he goes off to die, we'll just tell Garp it was an accident
but no, he keeps on living just like the saying, the the more hated the boy is, the more power he gains in the world!
(Japanese saying "Hated child, successful in the world")

Ace is listening to Dadan
Ace: ........
Dadan: He's the son of the devil!! Think what will happen if the government finds out!
You know what they'll do to us!?
Bandit: calm down, boss

Ace listens to them silently
Scene changes to one week later
Bandit: Boss!! Dadan, ma'am!! Luffy came back alive!!
Dadan: He's still alive!?
Bandit: calm down, boss
Dadan: Where the hell were you!!

Luffy is in tatters

Turban: Hey, where were you and what were you doing?
Luffy: I was being chased by wolves at bottom of the cliff
Turban: Below the cliff!? What did you go there for!?

The scene changes to their sleeping room, and Luffy is thrown onto the floor of the room
Dadan: Sleep for now!! Starting tomorrow, you're gonna work hard for us!!
Ace: .......
Ace notices Luffy, and opens one of his eyes to see him, but doesn't say a word

Luffy sleeps well and morning comes
Luffy goes after Ace leaving the bandit hideout
Luffy: Hey Ace!! You're going somewhere again!?
Ace: !

Ace notices Luffy

Luffy: Take me with you!! Let's be friends!
Ace: ..........

Ace runs off without saying anything, and Luffy runs after him
Luffy: Hey wait up!! I'm not gonna lose you this time!

Turban: Hey boss!! He went out again, chasing after Ace!!
Dadan: Damn you Luffy!!! You're supposed to errands for us!! Damn kid won't obey a single word!!

Eight days later
Luffy is falling into a river of gigantic aligators, and Ace is on top of the rock

Ten days later
Ace hurls huge rocks from atop a cliff at Luffy, and runs away

Luffy is searching for Ace, while a gigantic serpent is moving in close behind him

Luffy keeps losing sight of Ace, but doesn't give up looking for him day after day after day
A month passes. Two months passes
Luffy is shown almost captured by a gigantic bird

Rainy day, windy day
day after day Luffy chases after Ace
Luffy is spewing water from his mouth, after he was thrown into a waterfall by Ace, and saved by Turban

Three month passed as Luffy relentlessly chased Ace
Luffy is surrounded by gigantic tigers and bears, as Ace looks down on him from above

Luffy: *pant* haah...
Luffy comes out of the forest
Luffy: Oh... I'm out of the forest.....

Outside of Colbo mountain where the Dadan family hides out, there's a place reeking of foul stench
The massive heaps of trash here is burning up smoke from natural fire of the sun every day

Luffy: *GAG* Oh god, it stinks here!! What the hell is this place!?

A large mountain of trash is seen
Unneeded things gather here. As well as unneeded people

A man holding a blade stands in front of Luffy
Man: Hey kid... out of my way....
Trash heap resident: It's a murderer!!!
Another resident: He went that way!!

Of course, the place is lawless
there are no doctors either, and the place is full of crime and disease
This is the Final Destination of Uncertainty, the "Gray Terminal"
Luffy notices Ace sneaking up a mountain of trash
Ace whispers
Ace: Sabo! Sabo, are you here?

Sabo: Hey Ace
Ace: Sorry for being late
Sabo: Yeah you are late. I've already finished a job at the town
Sabo smiles
Ace: I see. Well guess what, so did I!

Ace is carrying tons of money, and Sabo is surprised

A young boy wearing a silk hat with goggles
Sabo [10 years old] A boy living in Gray Terminal

Sabo grabs the cash
Sabo: Whoa, awesome!! You got more than I did!! This is a lot of cash, how did you do it!?
Ace: I took them from bunch of punks near the gate!! They might be transporters for some merchant ship

Sabo: Damn!! you beat me again!
The two chat as they open a hidden safe in the ground
Inside the safe is full of money, jewerly, and rare metals

They continue to chat while looking at it
Ace: Who cares who wins!! It's our stash of pirate savings we're both going to use together some day!
It's been five years since we started to save this up... it was hell to gather all this
Sabo: Yeah! I wonder how much we need to buy a pirate ship
Ace: Who knows.... thousands, millions, we still have long way to go!
Hurry and put it away, who knows who will see us.....

Luffy was watching and listening them from below
Luffy: Pirate ship!? You guys gonna be pirates!?

Ace and Sabo notices Luffy, and panics
Luffy: Me too!!

Luffy comes to Ace, but Ace ties him up with a rope
Luffy: So Ace, this is where you come to every day!?
Ace: Shut up
Sabo: So this is that Luffy guy you were telling me about
Ace: So you finally came all the way here.... I didn't even use any path a human could walk through
Luffy: Are you friend of Ace!? Hey, let's be friends!
Sabo: Shut up

Sabo: That's why I told you to live here with me!!
The every day round trip you call the mountain path training really bit you in the *** now!
What should we do?
Ace: He knows our secret now.... if we leave him be, he'll tell someone

Ace: .... let's kill him
Sabo: yeah, let's
Sabo holds Luffy's head down to the ground
Sabo: Stay quite, you idiot
Luffy: I didn't think you guys were gonna kill me!!! Help!!! I don't wanna die!!!
Luffy cries and yells
Ace: Sabo!! Hurry and do it!!
Sabo: What are you talking about, YOU do it!
Ace: I've never killed a person!!
Sabo: Neither have I! I don't know how!!
Luffy: Heeeellllppp!!!
Sabo & Ace: SHUT UP!!!!!

Someone is coming into the forest: Hey, I heard voices from the forest!! Childrens' voices!!
Sabo: Damn!! Someone's coming!
Ace: Take off the ropes off him first!! We have to get away from here, or they'll find our treasure!
Sabo and Ace are panicking, while Luffy looks happy

A huge man with a sword (and no neck) appears
Blue Jam Pirates crew Porchemy

Porschemy: Those kids "Ace and Sabo" you're telling me about are infamous around here.
You're sure it's "Ace" that took your money, right?
Crew: Yes... it's a shame, he got me by surprise
Porschemy: What a stupid kid. To take money from our crew...!!
If Captain BlueJam hears about this, he'll kill both me and you!

Ace and Sabo are eavesdropping while hiding
Ace: Damn... that punk was a trader for BlueJam.... I laid my hands on some dangerous cash...!!
Sabo: He has a real sword!! That's Porschemy!! That guy is crazy, have you heard of him!?
He skins alive the head of anyone who loses to him in a battle!!
Ace: !!?

Sabo notices Luffy is missing from his side
Sabo: What... where is him!?
Ace: oh

Luffy is caught
Luffy: Leggo of me!! damn you-!
Ace & Sabo: What is he doing getting caught!!??
Luffy: Help mne, Ace!!
Ace: !!? That idiot said my name...!!

Porschemy: .... did you just say Ace? You know Ace?
Luffy: He's my friend!! Oh, but he did try to kill me just now

Ace: Damn him, he keeps talking!!

Porschemy: Alright, let me ask you one thing. Today, that kid Ace took our money and ran
Luffy; !
Porschemy: Do you happen to know where it is?
Luffy: ........!!!

Sabo: Oh no!! They're gonna take all our treasures!
Ace: That idiot better not say a word!!

Luffy looks away and whistles
Luffy: I... I... I dunno.....
Porshecmy: Wow you suck at lying!

Porschemy: hehe.... if you don't know, that leaves me no choice....
Porschemy carries off Luffy
Porschemy: Heh heh, I'll make you remember, don't worry....
Luffy: Hey what's that!? Leggo!! Where are you taking me, damn it!!

Ace & Sabo: ......!!!


E mais 2 imagens
ONE PIECE 583 (Spoiler - Predictions) Jpub1s
ONE PIECE 583 (Spoiler - Predictions) 2v8j1vs
Ero Tuga
Ero Tuga
Profissional M4all
Profissional M4all

Masculino Mensagens : 560
Data de inscrição : 11/01/2010
Idade : 33
Localização : Portugal

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ONE PIECE 583 (Spoiler - Predictions) Empty Re: ONE PIECE 583 (Spoiler - Predictions)

Mensagem por Ero Tuga Dom maio 02, 2010 11:53 pm

Capitulo 583
Leitura online em inglês
Ero Tuga
Ero Tuga
Profissional M4all
Profissional M4all

Masculino Mensagens : 560
Data de inscrição : 11/01/2010
Idade : 33
Localização : Portugal

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ONE PIECE 583 (Spoiler - Predictions) Empty Re: ONE PIECE 583 (Spoiler - Predictions)

Mensagem por Convidad Seg maio 03, 2010 9:36 am

O capítulo em inglês já foi disponibilizado e está conforme o post do Ero Tuga.


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ONE PIECE 583 (Spoiler - Predictions) Empty Re: ONE PIECE 583 (Spoiler - Predictions)

Mensagem por Ero D. Mugiwara Seg maio 03, 2010 10:24 am


Ero D. Mugiwara
Ero D. Mugiwara
Diretor4all/Boss OP/Boss Scans/Bad Cop
Diretor4all/Boss OP/Boss Scans/Bad Cop

Masculino Mensagens : 5723
Data de inscrição : 16/12/2009
Idade : 43
Localização : White River/AC


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