M4ALL Scans - Naruto, One Piece, Bleach, Fairy Tail Manga, Spoilers, Predictions
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Naruto 539 Spoilers, Predictions e Imagens

Ero D. JoabPelim
Ero F. Rodrigo
6 participantes

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Naruto 539 Spoilers, Predictions e Imagens Empty Naruto 539 Spoilers, Predictions e Imagens

Mensagem por Ero F. Rodrigo Qua maio 11, 2011 2:34 pm

Naruto 539 Spoilers, Predictions e Imagens

Amigos Eros, poste aqui apenas Spoiles, Predictions, Imagens, Links para o mangá, etc... Temos outro Tópico para discussões, assim como em outros fóruns vamos manter esse aqui organizado!
Lembre-se de citar a fonte (nome do site ou nome do japa de que você copiou)
Deixe o nome do capítulo e os créditos em negrito, o texto coloque dentro da tag spoiler, para ficar mais compacto o negócio...

Igualmente ao tópico de discussão, o tópico vai ficar bloqueado até o lançamento do capitulo, desta forma iniciamos com louvores as novas garimpadas em busca de spoiler's novos... Depois disso a gente destroe td na busca d material..

Divirta-se e vamos nos divertir!

Ero D. Rodrigo

Ero F. Rodrigo
Ero F. Rodrigo
Fundador M4ALL
Fundador M4ALL

Masculino Mensagens : 4976
Data de inscrição : 16/12/2009
Idade : 39

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Naruto 539 Spoilers, Predictions e Imagens Empty Re: Naruto 539 Spoilers, Predictions e Imagens

Mensagem por Ero D. JoabPelim Qua maio 11, 2011 6:24 pm


Ero D. JoabPelim
Ero D. JoabPelim
Ero Boss Blogger/Boss Naruto/Boss Redes Sociais
Ero Boss Blogger/Boss Naruto/Boss Redes Sociais

Masculino Mensagens : 3785
Data de inscrição : 23/03/2010
Idade : 34
Localização : Campina Grande PB


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Naruto 539 Spoilers, Predictions e Imagens Empty Re: Naruto 539 Spoilers, Predictions e Imagens

Mensagem por Ero-Evil Ryu Dom maio 15, 2011 10:17 pm

Obs: Tinha duas semanas que essas ideias não saiam da minha cabeça oca, então resolvi transformar em predection, leiam e vejam o quanto eu viajei. Quem não aposta não ganha.

Naruto 539
Status: Prediction
Autor: Ero-Evil Ryu - Fórum M4All

NOTA: Quando copiar este conteúdo para seu site/fórum, lembre-se de dar os créditos para quem realmente fez a prediction, isso se chama ética, e o M4All agradece


Ero-Evil Ryu
Ero-Evil Ryu
High Quality M4all
High Quality M4all

Masculino Mensagens : 837
Data de inscrição : 14/01/2010
Idade : 37
Localização : Não sei, se você souber então me diga.

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Naruto 539 Spoilers, Predictions e Imagens Empty Re: Naruto 539 Spoilers, Predictions e Imagens

Mensagem por Cardosorjc Qua maio 18, 2011 8:08 am

Naruto 539 Spoiler
May 13th, 2011 by Kariya Jin.
Verification: Confirmed
Source: NF
Credits: Geg


Agora as imagens...
Profissional M4all
Profissional M4all

Masculino Mensagens : 566
Data de inscrição : 06/04/2010
Idade : 33
Localização : Minas Gerais

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Naruto 539 Spoilers, Predictions e Imagens Empty Re: Naruto 539 Spoilers, Predictions e Imagens

Mensagem por Ero Tiema Qua maio 18, 2011 2:05 pm


A proclamation to Kyuubi! Hate will be wiped away!

539 血の夜…!!
539: Night of Blood...!

Kyuubi, sealed into the baby Naruto...

初めて九尾との対面 オレの体に泊めてやってんだから 家賃としてお前のチャクラを貸しやがれ !
His first time talking with Kyuubi: Since you're lodged in my body, lend me your chakra as your rent!

風遁螺旋手裏剣修行時 もう一押しイイ!
Fuuton Rasenshuriken training: Pu~ush already!

九尾 フン あのちんちくりんが ずいぶんと盾突くようになったじゃねーか
Kyuubi: Hmph, so it seems surprisingly enough that the runt has grown to oppose me

ナルト … なあ 九尾 オレはな
Naruto: ...Hey. Kyuubi. I've been thinking

九尾 ?
Kyuubi: ?

ナルト いつか おめーの中の憎しみもどうにかしてやりてーと思ってる!!!
Naruto: Someday I wanna do something about the hatred inside of you too!

九尾 !!?
Kyuubi: !?

ナルト オレを散々苦しめたお前だけど… 憎しみにふり回されるのがいい気がしねーのはオレも 知ってっから !
Naruto: You put me through terrible torment and all but...I know I wouldn't be all easy-going if I was surrounded by hate either!

九尾 お前はバカか!!?ワシは九尾だぞ!!ちんちくりんにどうこうされるほど落ちぶれちゃあ いねーし ワ シは憎しみの塊だ!!
Kyuubi: Are you stupid?! I'm the Kyuubi! I haven't stooped so low that I would be the same as a runt like you; I am a mass of hatred!

ナルト ならOKだ!オレはちんちくりんじゃねーし!そっちの方がやりがいがある! じゃあな
Naruto: Alright then! I'm not a runt y'know! What you've done is given me a challenge! Later

九尾 …
Kyuubi: ...

Kyuubi-shroud Naruto jumps through the trees

ふらつくネジ 倒れるネジ
Staggering, Neji collapses

キバ ! おいネジ大丈夫か?
Kiba: ! Hey Neji, you alright?

ネジ ああ…大丈夫だ…
Neji: Yeah...I'm fine.

キバ 無理すんなって…敵の感知はアンタの眼だけじゃなく オレの鼻もある ここはオレに任せ てアンタは医 療部隊のところへいってこいよ ちょうど各部隊の中央後方座標は…
Kiba: Don't overdo it y'know. Your eyes aren't the only thing that sense the enemy; we still have my nose. Leave it to me and get yourself to where the medic unit is at. Within each unit, central-rear coordinates...

長門 アンタどこまで暁の事を知ってた?
Nagato: Just how much did you know about Akatsuki?

イタチ お前よりは知ってたつもりだが…
Itachi: More than you did, I'm sure.

長門 フッ…結局オレもアンタも人に利用された忍だ… お互い持っているこの強すぎる瞳力のお かげでな…  今回も…術者に後回しで動かされている
Nagato: Hmph. You and I both ended up as shinobi used by others...and we owe it all thanks to these overwhelmingly powerful ocular powers* of ours. Even this time, the operator** saves us for later.

*tn note: douryoku
**tn note: "operator=(Edo Tensei) jutsu user=Kabuto"

イタチ ペイン… お前の六道の力・輪廻眼とオレの万華鏡写輪眼・ この二つの瞳力さえあれば ほぼなんでも できると言っていい… 術者の奴はこのタイミングでオレの幻術の力を利用するつもりだ
Itachi: Pain, as long as we have those two ocular powers - the powers of your Six Paths and my Mangekyou Sharingan- it's safe to say we can do almost anything. As for the operator, with this timing, [he] intends to use my genjutsu powers

長門 イタチ… 確かにお前は暁において闇の中の忍だったからな
Nagato: Itachi...being in Akatsuki, truly you were a shinobi locked in darkness

Medic unit

A おい!早くこっちにも!
A: Hey, over here!

B 痛て~よ~!
B: Owwww!

C 生理的食塩水200ミリだ!
C: 200 mL of saline solution, stat!

シズネ 医療上忍の方二人 こっちに手を貸してください!!今から蘇生処置をおこないます!! 早く!!
Shizune: You two medic Jounin there, please lend me a hand! We'll conduct the resuscitation measures now! Hurry!

走り回るトントン バタ付く医療テント
Tonton runs around noisily in the medic tent

感知忍D テント入口にて 止まって下さい!これより我々感知タイプの忍が本部を通して アナ タのチャクラ を確認します!それまで中へ通すわけにはいきません…!
Sensor shinobi D: Please stop entering the tent! From now on we sensor shinobi confirm your chakra through the headquarters! We can't let you inside till then!

ネジ ああ…分かってる… さっさと確認してくれ…
Neji: Yeah, I got it. Get to confirming me then.

サクラ ハイ
Sakurete: Yes.

忍E ありがとう
Shinobi E: Thank you

サクラ では次の方入ってくだ… ネジさん!!
Sakurete: Alright, next person plea-Neji-san!

Out from the shadows is a suspicious looking guy

サクラ とりあえず下衣装は手当しておきました
Sakurete: I've dressed it up below for now

ネジ すまない…
Neji: Sorry...

サクラ 今の内にゆっくり休んでいてください
Sakurete: Take it slow now and please rest inside

Running shinobi (We see their feet)

白髪ロン毛医療ジーサン さて 次の巡回のテントはF5からーGの3か…
White long hair old man medic: Now, the next tent patrol is from F5 to 3 of G...

The feet are the only thing showing

白髪ロン毛医療ジーサン !? どうかしましたか?痛みが引かないようでしたら… …え?
White long hair old man medic: !? Is something the matter? If there doesn't seem to be any pain withdrawal, then...huh?

Blood splatters

医療忍者 E た…大変だ!!トヨサとタケマルとヒノの三人がやられた!!何者かに暗殺されて る!!
Medic ninja E: T-Trouble! Toyosa, Takemaru, Hino, all three were taken out! Someone killed them!

忍F 何だと!
Shinobi F: What?!

3 corpses in all

忍G いったいどういうことです…
Shinobi G: What's the meaning of this?

H どうやら敵のスパイが潜りこんでる…
H: Seems like an enemy spy slipped in...

I 上忍医療忍者ばかりをねらってるところをみてもな
I: Targeting Jounin medic ninja from the looks of it too.

H でもどうやって?ここへ入るには厳しいチャクラでの本人確認が徹底されてるし
H: But how? Entering here means being put through a rigorous and thorough chakra identity check

サクラ 変化の術程度では同然無理… …連合の忍でなければ入れないのは確実… …とするとそ の連合の忍が 術であやつられてる可能性も高いわね… 相当の術よ
Sakurete: It would be impossible for something on the level of the transformation technique*...and there's no way anyone could enter unless if they were an Alliance shinobi...so this means that there's a high chance an Alliance shinobi is being controlled through some technique...a considerable technique at that.
tn: henge no jutsu

ネジ どうしたんだこれは?
Neji: What's the problem here?

サクラ ネジさん…
Sakurete: Neji-san...

We see what looks to be another suspicious man coming out the shadows

ネジ なるほど…連合の忍しかここにいないという事になれば見分けるのは難しい 誰が犯人か分 からない…  今もこうして皆立っているが… 隣の奴が犯人かもしれない …という疑念が互いの不信を生み混 乱を生むこと になる それが敵の狙い
Neji: I see. Assuming there's no one here besides Alliance shinobi, distinguishing who's who will be difficult. We don't know who the culprit is...and even standing as we are right now, they're likely the person right next to us. So suspicion and mutual distrust will form sowing discord among us. That's our enemy's aim.

G 医療忍者は今や戦術を成すための要 穢土転生の不死を相手にするには私たちのバックアップ 無しでは考え られない
G: What's vital for the medic ninja now is that we formulate tactics. Going up against the Edo Tensei undead without backup is just unthinkable

F こんな事でここが麻痺したら 夜明けの開戦で不利になる
F: If this paralyzes us here, we'll be handicapped by daybreak at the onset of war

ネジ … オレが犯人を見つけだしてやる この眼にかけて!
Neji: ...I'll go find the culprit, and catch him with these eyes of mine!

We see the suspicious guy

ネジ …! …  …とにかく何があっても負傷者を放っておく訳にはいかない…治療は続け行く ただ皆各々気 をつけてくれ… 医療上忍は特にだ!
Neji: ...! ...By the way, whatever happens, don't leave the wounded alone in any circumstance. Just continue on treating them, and each and every one of you take care...especially you medic Jounin!

3番テント サクラ作業をしてる
Tent 3: Sakurete is a work

Suspicious guy enters standing at Tent 3

? Tent

H そ… そろそろ巡回診察の時間だな…
H: I...It's about time for the medical examination patrol...

F ああ…
F: I know.

H … お…お前と初めて会った場所って… どこだっけ…
H: ...W-where did I first meet you at again?

F … !
F: ...!

H あ!イヤ… 疑ってるって訳じゃないんだ 決して疑ってるんじゃないぞ… ただ…ただな…
H: Oh! No, it's not that I'm not doubting you. By no means am I doubting you...it's just that...just...

F 疑ってんだろ!
F: You're doubting me!

H …
H: ...

F …
F: ...

That's when Neji enters

H F うわあ!!
H&F: Aagh!

ネジ ん!?
Neji: Hm?!

F なんだアンタか…びっくりさせないでくれ
F: What's with you man? Don't scare the hell out of us now

ネジ …それより春野サクラはどこに居る!
Neji: ...Anyway, where's Haruno Sakurete!

H 何かあったのか?
H: Did something happen?

ネジ 少し気になる奴がいてな… そいつを尾けていたんだが見失った!よく考えればサクラの回 りをウロウロ していた感じがしてな!
Neji: I'm a little worried someone's here...I was following after but lost sight of 'em! After thinking it well over, I feel that they're hanging around Sakurete!

F サクラは3番のテントにいる
F: Sakurete is in Tent 3

H あやしい奴… いったいどんな奴だ?
H: Someone suspicious...what kind of person is he?

ネジ …そうだな… 確か…
Neji: ...Oh right...I should just say-

ネジ、クナイを出し 一撃でF Hを刺す。
Neji brings out a kunai and cuts through F and H in one slash.

ネジ ていうよりオレだ
Neji: He's me

怪しい男 3番テント入口カーテンをあける
Suspicious guy enters Tent 3 and opens the curtain

サクラ !? あ!アナタでしたか… 傷まだ痛みます?
Sakurete: !? Oh! It was you...do your wounds still have you in pain?

怪しい男 あ…イヤもう大丈夫です じ…実は… 私を治療してくれた時から アナタの事がどう しても頭を離 れなく… なりまして
Suspicious guy: Uh...no I'm fine now. A-Actually...from the time that you treated me, I couldn't get the thought of you out of my mind

サクラ …これって…?
Sakurete: ...This is?

怪しい男 ラ…ラブレターっていうやつです 次…戦争へ出て生きて帰ってくる保証はありません … だから…
Suspicious guy: I-It's a love letter. Next...I'll go to the war and there's no guarantee I'll come out alive and return back...that's why...

サクラ ありがとう… でも…私には好きな人がいるから…
Sakurete: Thank you...but I already have someone I love...

怪しい男 …そうですか… やっぱり それって
Suspicious guy: ...Is that so. I just knew it...

ネジ、3番テント入口に立ち にんまり笑う
Neji enters standing in Tent 3 with a satisfied smile

忍び寄る殺意… ネジ、どうしてお前が!?
The shinobi stopping by with killing intent...Neji, why you?!

The end
Ero Tiema
Ero Tiema
Profissional M4all
Profissional M4all

Masculino Mensagens : 335
Data de inscrição : 18/01/2010
Idade : 39
Localização : Santo André

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Naruto 539 Spoilers, Predictions e Imagens Empty Re: Naruto 539 Spoilers, Predictions e Imagens

Mensagem por Kakashi Qua maio 18, 2011 2:45 pm

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Aprendiz M4all

Masculino Mensagens : 78
Data de inscrição : 05/08/2010
Idade : 35

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Naruto 539 Spoilers, Predictions e Imagens Empty Re: Naruto 539 Spoilers, Predictions e Imagens

Mensagem por Ero D. JoabPelim Qua maio 18, 2011 4:20 pm



Ero D. JoabPelim
Ero D. JoabPelim
Ero Boss Blogger/Boss Naruto/Boss Redes Sociais
Ero Boss Blogger/Boss Naruto/Boss Redes Sociais

Masculino Mensagens : 3785
Data de inscrição : 23/03/2010
Idade : 34
Localização : Campina Grande PB


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Naruto 539 Spoilers, Predictions e Imagens Empty Re: Naruto 539 Spoilers, Predictions e Imagens

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