Naruto 581 Spoilers, Predictions e Imagens
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Naruto 581 Spoilers, Predictions e Imagens
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Re: Naruto 581 Spoilers, Predictions e Imagens
Re: Naruto 581 Spoilers, Predictions e Imagens
Status: Prediction
Status: Nao Confirmado
Autor: Uzumaki16
- Spoiler:
- Naruto 581 : The gap between their eyes!
Chapter starts with Sasuke and Itachi staring at Kabuto.
Itachi: Sasuke, do you remember that time we were playing at the Nakano river?
Itachi: Sasuke, i need you to scare those fishs to the margin, so i can trap them here.
Sasuke: Ok, niisan!
Sasuke proceeds to scare the fishs like a retarded child into Itachi's direction. Itachi looks at him smiling.
end of flashback*
Sasuke: hm. Ok I get it.
Itachi: Ok, lets go.
Each one run to the opposite side of the cave, Sasuke turns and blocks the entrance with Amaterasu, then proceeds to control it to spread a line, limiting the space for Kabuto's mobility.
Kabuto: *!! are they trying to...* This kind of trick wont work on me. If i get caught in amaterasu i can simply get rid of my skin...
Sasuke: Heh, I would worry with another thing if i were you...
Kabuto looks around and cant find Itachi.
Kabuto: ... *wait, wasnt he...? oh.*
Kabuto looks behind him and sees a bunch of crows flying to his direction. Then he turns his face and at the same time Itachi "jumps" eye staring him with a bunch of crows *similar to what he did during his fight with Sasuke*, while in the background we see also crows coming out of Sasuke's body, similar to what he did against danzou.
Kabuto is inside of tsukuyomi. *Huh, Itachi really thinks that he can keep me here, no? I guess he will have a surprise.
Kabuto makes a hand sign.
Kabuto turns smirking: Tsukuyomi wont work on me, Itachi. Did you really think that I would not be prepared for this?
Kabuto gets no response.
Kabuto: ......!!? What is this!!?
Itachi: Looks like my Tsukuyomi wont work on him...
Kabuto falls on his knees.
Itachi: !!?
Sasuke walks to Itachi's side smirking.
Itachi: ?
Sasuke: you remember what happened that same day that we were fishing at the nakano river?
Itachi looks at Sasuke.
Itachi is picking up the fishs.
Itachi: Now we will have many-
Sasuke: NIISAN! NIISAN! Look!
Sasuke is standing grabbing a big fish between his hands and smirking.
Itachi: !! Good job Sasuke!
*end of flashback*
Itachi: heh...I should have expected this.
Sasuke: My tsukuyomi is different from yours...I cant control time-space inside it, but i can still knock him down.
Itachi: With my eyes, you might be able to use it the same way I did.
Sasuke looks at Itachi surprised.
Sasuke: Well, what should we do with him so?
Itachi grabs Kabuto and makes him stare at him.
Itachi: Im going to discover how to deactivate the Edo tensei, and then control him to finish it. Tsukuyomi!
Side Note: Edo tensei gets deactivated! What will be Kabuto's response!? Next Chapter, Kabuto's Ultimate Form!
Status: Nao Confirmado
Autor: Uzumaki16
- Spoiler:
- Itachi runs a Kabuto to face him in taijutsu, they fight for a while but Kabuto delivers a powerful blow through Sage Mode strength but Itachi explodes revealing it was a clone, Kabuto is damaged but sheds his skin as he comes out Sasuke launches a Chidori Sharp Spear at him, he dodges but then falls victim to Itachi who attacks him with Sasuke's sword aiming to tear his eyelids open, Kabuto narrowly evades this but his glasses are damaged.
Sasuke: We were so close.
Itachi: I've got a plan
Itachi makes eye contact with Sasuke and Sasuke seems shocked after a few seconds
Itachi: Got it?
Kabuto: Did he tell him his plan through genjutsu?
They both form seals and fire the Fire Element:Grand Fireball Technique together at Kabuto and it becomes an extremely large Fire Technique
Kabuto: I'll simply dodge this.
Kabuto in one leap jumps over the fire technique completely.
Itachi launches Sasuke to Kabuto with his Susanoo
Sasuke throws up to a hundered Chidori Senbon at Kabuto.
Kabuto: Its lightning based, I can't simply turn to water. I'll have to block.
Kabuto shields with a large snake and the snake dies
Sasukethinking)His vision's blocked!
Sasuke forms Susanoo and captures Kabuto with its arms
Kabuto sheds his skin to escape from the Susanoo
As Kabuto falls from the sky Itachi with four clones already formed use the Grand Fireball technique together creating a massive fireball, Kabuto summons Manda II as a sheild the snake takes some damage
Sasuke:What!! Manda's alive!
The snake proceeds to try to swallow Sasuke who is falling from mid air but Sasuke uses Susanoo to attack it forcing the snake to dodge
Sasuke summons a hawk and flies safely to Itachi's side on its back.
Manda 2 sheds his skin to remove the damage from the previous fire technique and then closes its eyes
Kabutothinking) I can control the snakes movements through telepathy and direct it to dodge their attacks and then capture Sasuke without risking genjutsu.
Itachi:that's an interesting Summoning Sasuke.
Sasuke: My chakra's going down. This not killing him is really annoying.
Itachi: So Dr Snakes, what do you know about that one?
Sasuke: that's Manda. Its the largest of them all, I thought it was dead.
Kabuto: It was, I brought it back new and improved. What do you think?
Manda attacks Sasuke and Itachi
Sasuke shoots arrows but the snake dodges
It makes impact and there's great damage to the environment.
Sasuke and Itachi are seen on top of the hawk Sasuke summoned previously.
Itachi: Good job Sasuke.
Sasuke: Thanks
Itachi: It will all be over soon. We'll definitely get him in the next attack.
Manga ends.
CyberFrezzy- Estagiário M4all
- Mensagens : 187
Data de inscrição : 01/02/2012
Idade : 34
Re: Naruto 581 Spoilers, Predictions e Imagens
Naruto 581 – Orochimaru
Status: Prediction
Autor: Ero-Evil Ryu - Fórum M4All
NOTA: Quando copiar este conteúdo para seu site/fórum, lembre-se de dar os créditos para quem realmente fez a prediction, isso se chama ética, e o M4All agradece
- Spoiler:
Kabuto: Sasukemo - kun, Se você me der seus Sharingans eu ressuscito seu clã e inclusive seus pais e tios...
Itachi: Não dê ouvidos a ele... Ele só está tentando te abalar e atacar psicologicamente.
Kabuto: Tudo nesse mundo tem um preço... Não acha justo?
Sasukemo: Cala a boca, Itachi... Não preciso que me dê nenhum sermão... Eu conheço o Orochimaru e sei como ele age.
Kabuto: Pra você ver que falo sério.
Kabuto: Edo Tensei.
Um caixão aparece e é Mikoto Uchiha, mãe de Sasukemo.
Kabuto: Então qual a sua resposta?
Sasukemo [irritado]: Maldito... Não brinque com meus sentimentos... Enfiarei minha espada em sua garganta e arrancarei essa sua língua asquerosa que insisti brincar com os Uchihas.
Kabuto desfaz o Edo Tensei.
Kabuto: Sendo assim, então arrancarei seus olhos a força.
Itachi: Sasukemo, tive uma ideia... Vamos nos separar... Assim ele terá dificuldade em nos atacar.
Sasukemo: Certo...
Sasukemo e Itachi se separam.
Kabuto: É assim... Tudo bem... Vamos colocar lenha pra queimar...
Itachi Ataca Kabuto com um soco de Susanoo
Kabuto: Vamos ver se o Susanoo é pareo pra esse jutsu...
Kabuto: Mokuton Jukai Meikai Kousan.
O ataque é defendido pelas raízes.
Itachi não pode ser... Esse jutsu era do 1º Hokage... Como foi que ele conseguiu desenvolve-lo?
Kabuto [pensamento]: Graças ao Yamato eu pude ter acesso a células vivas e assim obter o DNA vivo do 1º Hokage... Foi difícil, mas consegui fundi-lo com minhas células...
Kabuto: Isso mesmo Itachi, é o jutsu do 1º Hokage, mas esse é um pouco diferente... Eu melhorei esse jutsu a um nível inimaginável.
Kabuto: logo vocês verão do que esse jutsu é capaz.
Sasukemo aproveita a distração de Kabuto e ataca-o com a espada de Raiton.
Plantas carnívoras surgem das raízes e atacam Sasukemo.
Sasukemo consegue escapar contando-as com a kusanagi.
As plantas se regeneram e liberam um liquido que evaporar e se transforma em gás paralisante.
Sasukemo: Isso é acido... Itachi elas tem saliva acida, tome cuidado...
Kabuto: Como você é tolo... Se eu quiser matar você usando o acido eu faria isso facilmente... Cobras ficam horas sem respirar...
Itachi: O que ele quis dizer com isso?
Sasukemo: O que? ... Esse gás... Itachi não respire...
Sasukemo: Katon Gouryuuka no Jutsu.
Sasukemo destrói o teto da caverna para criar uma corrente de ar e assim carregar o gás.
Sasukemo [pensamento]: Irônicamente graças ao Orochimaru eu tenho um pouco de imunidade a esse gás.
Kabuto: khukukuku... Muito bem pensado Sasukemo - kun... Quando eu dizia que eu tinha a natureza do meu lado eu não estava brincando... Sasukemo – kun, obrigado... Você criou o ambiente perfeito... As plantas fazem fotossíntese e tudo que elas precisam é de luz e água... Agora sem o teto a luz deixará essas raízes como aço...
Kabuto: Henge no Jutsu
As raízes se transformam em cobras e atacam Itachi e Sasukemo.
Itachi consegue escapar, mas Sasukemo é pego e ficar preso sem poder se mover.
Kabuto: Hora de pegar o que é meu...
Quando Kabuto se aproxima de Sasukemo, porem Sasukemo explode.
Kabuto: Kawarimi no Jutsu... Não será fácil lutar contra dois hehehehe... Prevendo isso eu me preparei... Vamos equilibrar as coisas... Consegui o tempo suficiente para o jutsu terminar... Dê boas vindas ao Orochimaru - sensei.
O Orochimaru aparece no corpo da Anko.
Orochimaru: Bom trabalho Kabuto.
Kabuto: khukukuku agora ficará mais divertido lutar.
Viajei muito hauhauahuahaus
- Spoiler:
- Original script:
イタチ『すでに仕込みは整った 奴の運命を握る究極の瞳術・・・イザナミだ』
イザナギが運命を変える術なら イザナミは運命を決める術
イタチ『サスケ オレから離れるな』
English script by Geg
Sasuke wants to hear the truth from Itachi.
Itachi tells Sasuke to listen without provoking Kabuto (?)
Itachi tells Sasuke that the Uchiha have an ocular jutsu that doesn't have to do with affecting the opponent's senses.
Sasuke: "...Izanagi...? Danzou used that when I fought him."
Itachi: "...You've lived well."
The Uchiha have another forbidden jutsu to act as a counterpart to Izanagi.
Itachi: "The preparations have already been made. The ultimate ocular jutsu that will seize his destiny... Izanami."
Izanagi is a jutsu that changes one's fate, while Izanami is a jutsu that determines one's fate.
Itachi and Kabuto clash.
Itachi: "Sasuke... Stay close to me."
- Spoiler:
- Spoiler:
Ero-Evil Ryu- High Quality M4all
- Mensagens : 837
Data de inscrição : 14/01/2010
Idade : 38
Localização : Não sei, se você souber então me diga.
Ero-Evil Ryu- High Quality M4all
- Mensagens : 837
Data de inscrição : 14/01/2010
Idade : 38
Localização : Não sei, se você souber então me diga.
Re: Naruto 581 Spoilers, Predictions e Imagens
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M4ALL Scans - Naruto, One Piece, Bleach, Fairy Tail Manga, Spoilers, Predictions :: Discussões de Mangás :: Naruto :: Mangá (Spoilers-Predictions e Discussão)
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